What is the COVID-19 pandemic impact on the auto industry?

Automotive COVID-19 Recovery Series: The OEM Landscape


The COVID-19 pandemic impact on the auto industry is extensive, severe, and wide-ranging:

    • Recovery in China is underway as sales continue to improve and dealer inventory declines. Government incentives including plate quota, NEV subsidy, and scrappage incentives help the industry regain momentum
    • Europe’s recovery has varied—Spain bottomed out in May, though France had an early rebound in June, and Germany followed in July. With economies re-opened and manufacturing restarting, the focus has shifted to financial conditions and consumer sentiment, with various automotive-focused stimulus packages starting in July.
    • US recovery (the subject of this component of the COVID-19 Recovery Series) has been led by the Pickup segment—it has gained 5.5 percentage points of market share, a highly profitable segment dominated by domestic manufacturers.

The first installment of IHS Markit’s new Automotive COVID-19 Recovery Series is now available. In our whitepaper, The OEM Landscape, we look at constrained and increasingly competitive market conditions, and lay out where are the greatest opportunities to maximize success are in the short-term. This whitepaper is one of three whitepapers produced for our COVID-19 Recovery Series.

